About Me

Welcome to my blog, sorry for the mess.

I’m not actually sorry for the mess, you knew what you signed up for. I am a mom of two beautiful girls and a wife of a great, God fearing guy. I work full time and write this blog to find others like me, relieve some stress, and hopefully generate some laughs. I would like to say I am a good resource for parenting advice, saving money, and just general lifestyle tips.

If I’m being completely honest – I am all over the place(maybe this blog will add some structure to my life). My oldest daughter was born July of 2022 and the youngest was born January 2024. Part of this blog is serving as a time capsule for how I’m feeling during these crucial years. I want to be authentic and share these struggles because I know I’m not the only one. I will also share the good stuff – it is equally important and sometimes not so easy to recognize.

If you’d like to start seeing more of me – feel free to follow my tiktok @nashgirlmom to get some super candid and maybe a little bit embarrassing videos of my life. I can also walk you through making your own blog if you’re interested (I promise I won’t charge you anything, this resource is completely free).

I grew up in a super small town and did not love it so I got out as soon as possible, went to Baylor University to study Corporate Communications as a first generation college student, then moved to be with my husband and start a career and a family. I definitely fast tracked life for a few years, I am currently learning how to slow down. In the last six years I graduated high school and college, started my corporate career, had two kids, got married, bought my first home, and now I’m starting a blog. Whew.

I currently work in the health insurance industry and I truly love my 8-5 job. I work with amazing people and my job has a positive influence on the health insurance world. I definitely feel like I am where I was meant to be. Not everyone can say they have found a truly fulfilling job. That being said, I don’t let my work be my whole life. When I get home, I have two amazing girls and an amazing husband (who doubles as my coworker – we can dive into that later) to prioritize.

I would consider myself a laid back mother – I don’t have any strict rules at home (unless it comes to safety) and I really just like to hang out with my kids. I’m sure this will change as my kids get older, but for now, this works for us.

I squeeze in some time for myself every day as well – I take two pump breaks (I am still breastfeeding my youngest) every day at work and I am not required to be working during that time, so I usually spend some time on tiktok. I also try to give myself some time on the weekends to go to target or get a pedicure, but I usually take my kids to do something fun instead. Sometimes, tho, I get selfish and take a break because parents deserve to love themselves from time to time.

If you’re still here, thank you. I truly do want to provide a safe space for people like me. Life is hard. Join me in my journey to becoming a better mother, saving money, and relieving stress by writing blog posts instead of facing my problems.